Spirit animals
Spirit animals Head to a coffee shop in Oakland and begin eavesdropping around the tables. You’ll hear a variety of conversations: problems at work, irritating partners, black lives matter, weekend parties, gentrification. Head to the Acai bar in Piracanga and you’ll hear a different mélange of themes. Do you have a guru? Are you vegan or vegetarian? You’re a libra, right? I knew it! And then there’s spirit animals. Piracanga is divided into two camps: those who know their spirit animal, and those who don’t, yet. The curiosity is real. I remember one day, while walking from the restaurant back to my house, I overheard three different conversations about spirit animals, not including the one that unfurled at my lunch table. As a member of the lucky group, I have become a semi-resource here at how to find your creature. Semi resource, because the real Animal Totem guru is Angelina, the spiritual...