The dream of blue blue sea and the blue blue eyes
I solemnly confess that I used to hate my sister! If you know my sister you are in shock right now. Hating her is nearly impossible to do. My sister, with her gorgeous floppy curls and infectious smile, is one of the most loving, amicable, un-hateable human beings on the planet. How could I possibly have had distain? My beloved sister Liz and I, 200 It was jealousy. Vicious, visceral jealousy. For her blue eyes. Lizzy was the lucky one. The only one with the ocean blue eyes of my late beloved Grandpa Albie. My eyes, like my parents’, were poop-colored brown. I remember many a family event when a well-intentioned relative would nestle up to my sister and gush, “Elizabeth, you are just so beautiful with your big blue eyes.” I’d be off in a corner with my geography book, hoping no one noticed as I wiped my tears off of South America. Thankfully, 20 years later, I can empathize but not identify with my form...